Southern Shrimp and Grits Recipe: A Classic Southern Dish with a Savory Twist

Southern Shrimp and Grits Recipe: A Classic Southern Dish with a Savory Twist

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Ingredients for Southern Shrimp and Grits

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As a chef who has spent years perfecting my Southern Shrimp and Grits recipe, I can tell you that the ingredients are key to making this dish a success. Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • Shrimp: You’ll need fresh or frozen shrimp, peeled and deveined. I recommend using medium to large shrimp for the best texture.
  • Grits: Stone-ground grits are the best choice for this dish. You can use either yellow or white grits, depending on your preference.
  • Salt and pepper: To season the shrimp and grits.
  • Garlic: Fresh minced garlic adds a delicious flavor to the dish.
  • Water and broth: You’ll need both water and chicken broth to cook the grits.
  • Butter: For a creamy texture and rich flavor.
  • Cheddar cheese: Shredded sharp cheddar cheese adds a cheesy flavor to the grits.
  • Onion: Chopped onion adds a sweet and savory flavor to the dish.
  • Andouille sausage: Smoked andouille sausage is a classic addition to Southern Shrimp and Grits. You can use either fresh or frozen sausage.
  • Cream: Heavy cream adds a richness to the sauce.
  • Bacon: Crispy bacon adds a smoky flavor to the dish.
  • Green onions: Chopped green onions add a fresh flavor and a pop of color to the dish.
  • Lemon juice: Fresh lemon juice adds a bright, acidic flavor to the shrimp.
  • Cajun seasoning: A blend of spices that adds a spicy kick to the dish.
  • Hot sauce: For an extra kick of heat.
  • Parsley: Chopped fresh parsley adds a fresh, herby flavor to the dish.

To make this dish, you’ll need to cook the grits and the shrimp separately, then combine them in a creamy, cheesy sauce. The result is a spicy, cheesy, and creamy dish that’s perfect for any occasion.

Preparation of Shrimp and Grits

I love making Southern Shrimp and Grits recipe because it’s easy to prepare and tastes delicious. Here’s how I make it:


  • 1 pound of large shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 1 cup of grits
  • 4 cups of boiling water
  • 1/4 cup of butter
  • 1/2 cup of heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup of grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup of chopped green onions
  • 4 slices of bacon, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper


  1. In a large skillet, cook the bacon over medium heat until crisp. Remove the bacon to a plate lined with paper towels, leaving the drippings in the skillet.

  2. Add the shrimp to the skillet and cook until pink, about 2-3 minutes per side. Remove the shrimp to a plate and set aside.

  3. In a separate pot, bring the water to a boil and add the grits. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  4. Once the grits are cooked, stir in the butter, heavy cream, and grated cheddar cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  5. Add the cooked shrimp to the grits and stir to combine. Top with chopped green onions and bacon.

  6. Serve in individual bowls and enjoy!

I find that using a paring knife to peel and devein the shrimp is the easiest way to prepare them. And a wooden spoon is great for stirring the grits and shrimp mixture. This recipe is perfect for a weeknight dinner or a weekend brunch.

Cooking Techniques for Shrimp and Grits

As a chef who has cooked countless Southern shrimp and grits dishes, I have found that the key to a great recipe lies in the cooking techniques used. Here are some tips to ensure your shrimp and grits turn out perfectly every time:

Preparing the Shrimp

Before cooking the shrimp, it is important to properly prepare them. This involves removing the vein and shell, and deveining them if necessary. I recommend using peeled and deveined shrimp to save time and effort.

Cooking the Shrimp

When cooking the shrimp, it is important to avoid overcooking them. Overcooked shrimp can become tough and rubbery. Cook the shrimp until they turn opaque and pink, which should only take a few minutes.

Making the Creamy Sauce

The creamy sauce is a crucial component of any shrimp and grits recipe. To prevent the sauce from clumping, I recommend whisking the cream and other ingredients together before adding it to the pan.

Adding Green Onions

Adding green onions to the dish can add a nice pop of flavor and color. I suggest adding them towards the end of the cooking process to prevent them from becoming too soft.

Preparing the Grits

To make perfect grits, I recommend using boiling water and stirring constantly to prevent them from clumping. Adding bacon drippings to the grits can also add a delicious smoky flavor.

By following these cooking techniques, you can create a delicious Southern shrimp and grits dish that is sure to impress your guests.

Serving Suggestions for Shrimp and Grits

As a chef with years of experience, I have found that the perfect serving suggestion for shrimp and grits depends on the time of day and the occasion.

For breakfast or brunch, I recommend serving shrimp and grits with a side of scrambled eggs and a glass of cold milk. The creamy grits and savory shrimp pair perfectly with the light and fluffy eggs, while the milk helps to balance out the richness of the dish.

For lunch or dinner, I suggest serving shrimp and grits in a large, family-style serving bowl with a side of garlic bread or a simple green salad. This classic comfort food is perfect for sharing with loved ones and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

When it comes to presentation, I like to keep things simple and let the flavors of the dish speak for themselves. A plain white serving bowl or plate is the perfect backdrop for the vibrant colors and textures of the shrimp and grits.

In conclusion, whether you’re serving shrimp and grits for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it’s important to keep the occasion and your guests in mind. With the right serving suggestions and presentation, this classic Southern dish is sure to be a hit every time.

Historical Context of Shrimp and Grits

As a Southern dish, shrimp and grits have a long and storied history. The dish is thought to have originated in the Lowcountry region of Georgia and South Carolina, where it was a staple of African American cuisine. The dish was often served for breakfast, with shrimp cooked simply and served over grits.

Over time, the dish evolved and became more popular throughout the South. In Charleston, South Carolina, shrimp and grits became a signature dish, with many restaurants offering their own take on the classic recipe.

Despite its popularity, shrimp and grits remained a relatively unknown dish outside of the South until the 1980s. It was during this time that chefs began to experiment with the dish, adding new ingredients and techniques to create new variations.

Today, shrimp and grits is a beloved Southern dish that can be found on menus throughout the region and beyond. Whether served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, there’s no denying the appeal of this classic dish.

As a chef, I’ve had the pleasure of preparing shrimp and grits for countless customers over the years. It’s a dish that never fails to impress, and I’m always looking for new ways to put my own spin on this classic recipe.

Nutritional Information of Shrimp and Grits

As a chef, I always make sure to include the nutritional information of my dishes. Shrimp and grits is a delicious dish that is enjoyed by many, but it’s important to know what you’re consuming. Here is the nutritional information of shrimp and grits:

Calories and Macronutrients

A serving of southern shrimp and grits contains around 400-500 calories. This dish is high in both carbohydrates and protein, with grits being the primary source of carbohydrates and shrimp being the primary source of protein. The exact macronutrient breakdown will depend on the recipe and serving size.

Vitamins and Minerals

Shrimp and grits is a good source of several vitamins and minerals. Shrimp is a great source of selenium, which is important for thyroid function and immune system health. It is also a good source of vitamin B12, which is important for brain function and nerve health. Grits are a good source of iron, which is important for blood health, and magnesium, which is important for bone health.

Fat and Cholesterol

Shrimp is low in fat and calories, making it a great source of protein for those watching their weight. However, it is high in cholesterol, so those with high cholesterol should consume shrimp in moderation. Grits are typically made with butter and cheese, which adds to the fat content of the dish.


Shrimp and grits can be high in sodium, especially if the recipe calls for a lot of salt. Those watching their sodium intake should be careful when consuming this dish.

Overall, shrimp and grits can be a nutritious and delicious meal when consumed in moderation and with attention to the ingredients used. As a chef, I always strive to create dishes that are both delicious and nutritious, and shrimp and grits is no exception.

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